3 ways to stop feeling overwhelmed

3 ways to stop feeling overwhelmed

3 ways to stop feeling overwhelmed How do you stop feeling overwhelmed when you’ve got so much on your plate that you don’t know what to do first, your brain is rammed full of stuff and you can’t see the wood for the trees? Feeling overwhelmed seems to be happening to...
How to take time for yourself

How to take time for yourself

How to take time for yourself It is so important to take time for yourself, but in this ridiculously busy world we live in it can feel really difficult to give yourself the gift of time can’t it? I think we get too caught up in thinking that to feel the benefits...
A gentle look at goal setting

A gentle look at goal setting

A gentle look at goal setting I want to talk about goal setting because it’s becoming much more onerous than it should be because too many of us think that we need to set big goals for them to be worth anything… which all too often sets us up for failure. So...